Wakaba multifunctional car prototype, the children of nation's work, have been lauched on October 16, 2009 in Bandung, West Java. The kind of prototype which was launched by the Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan, seem like a minitruck. The function of that minitruck is to carry plantation away.
Wakaba is an abbreviation of 'wahanaKarya Anak Bangsa' the vehicle of nation's children). Beside a minitruck, the design of wakaba include patrol, minicold storage, minidozer, mini-excavators, and miniloader, but their prototype have not been created yet.
Wakaba is expected to be a growing spirit of national automotive industry's future based small and medium industries
Wakaba is an abbreviation of 'wahanaKarya Anak Bangsa' the vehicle of nation's children). Beside a minitruck, the design of wakaba include patrol, minicold storage, minidozer, mini-excavators, and miniloader, but their prototype have not been created yet.
Wakaba is expected to be a growing spirit of national automotive industry's future based small and medium industries
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