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Jul 25, 2010

Do You Know about Cell Phone with Ordinary Battery

Mobile phone (cell phone) has now become one of primary needs for people, especially for those who have a high mobility.Many kinds of mobile phone brand featuring a variety of features that are attractive. But, one of mobile phone types that highly wanted is smart phone. Every new cell phone released appear to be a smart phone. If not, the phone was not getting enough attention. Shortly, if a cell phone is not able to check e-mail or support Twitter status update, it may not get many places in society today.

But in many developing countries, the 'ordinary' mobile phones still remains triumphant. That is the reason why Olive Communication in India dare to introduce its own-made phone. This phone is designed according to Indian conditions, which the electricity often die suddenly. Phone FrvrOn (an abbreviation of "Forever On") is nothing special from the physical side as well as the size. What make it special, the phone can be operated with regular AAA batteries. The battery is capable of powering the phone for an hour nonstop. It also provided a recharge battery pack Li-ion to "charging standards".

Intrigued with the cellphone, read more here.

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2 comments: on "Do You Know about Cell Phone with Ordinary Battery"

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This kind of information is very limited on internet. Nice to find the post related to my searching Dissertation help . Your updated and informative post will be appreciated by blog loving people.

Einna said...

I personally think that Olive made a wise decision when they introduced the Phone in their own country first because its where the true market for them is

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